I tried to come up with a witty
metaphor that captures the extreme intensity of Purge’s latest five song
effort, “Sewage”, but there is no possible way to understand the almost
laughable brutality without listening to it first. The breakneck pace,
bone-crushing vocals, and unflinchingly aggressive beatdown riffs make this a
truly impressive release and one of my favorite powerviolence albums I’ve had
the pleasure of listening too. Pleasure might be the wrong word, however, as the
negativity that seethes within every song on “Sewage” is palpable and the
enjoyment comes mostly from the adrenaline rushes that overwhelm the listener
with every explosion of blast beats and half time breakdown.
Purge wastes no time on “Sewage”,
delivering crushing riffs and irresistible grooves on the opening track, More Wolf than Thee. The track blazes
into my favorite track, Piss on the
Marble, leaving absolutely no respite. The furious blast beats and
impressive guitar work in the first half of the song hardly prepare the
listener for the final 15 seconds. I cannot put into words how heavy this outro
riff is, but no matter how many times I listen to it, it always causes
involuntary bedroom/car moshing. Just absolutely fucking brutal. The third
track, Backyard Wrestling, could not
have been more aptly named. Opening again with robotically accurate blast
beats, the song follows the same familiar structure of the two opening songs,
before devolving again into a breakdown. This does become a little tiresome,
considering that the fourth song, Chemo,
also follows this pattern, but Purge manages to avoid suffering from this error
too much because of the writing quality and impressive drumming. The final
track, Leper, is by far the longest
song on the EP, and is the only song to break from the blast-beats-into-breakdown
formula so successfully wielded on the other for tracks. The guitar only
opening riff creates a haunting atmosphere quickly broken by another down-tempo
breakdown. Fortunately, the song recovers, building into a more melodic blast
beat passage before slowing back down into one of the cooler, and calmer, riffs
on the album.
All in all, “Sewage” is an
impressive release from a young band. Pittsburgh has become a breeding ground
for original and heavy hardcore and Purge is one of the most exciting bands to
emerge from the scene thus far. Pick up this EP and their earlier ones and keep
an eye out for any shows in your area, because we all know listening to these
songs live will cause some casualties.
- More Wolf than Thee
- Piss on the Marble
- Backyard Wrestling
- Chemo
- Leper